

Kitakawachi is surrounded by an abundance of mountains. You can go hiking, experience the wonders of the mountains, or visit the greenhouse to see the collection of plants from around the word. There are various ways in which you can experience the nature.

大阪府民の森 ほしだ園地Forest of Osaka Pref. Residents Hoshida-Enchi Park

  • 大阪府民の森 ほしだ園地 Forest of Osaka Pref. Residents Hoshida-Enchi Park
  • 大阪府民の森 ほしだ園地 Forest of Osaka Pref. Residents Hoshida-Enchi Park
  • 大阪府民の森 ほしだ園地 Forest of Osaka Pref. Residents Hoshida-Enchi Park


This nature park is famous for the "Hoshi no Buranko" (Star Swing) suspension bridge, the longest in Japan, with a total length of 280m. You can take a walk high up in the air while viewing the majestic mountains, as well as enjoying hiking and freestyle climbing.

  • 072-891-0110072-891-0110

  • 交野市星田5019-1

    5019-1 Hoshida, Katano City

  • 9:00~17:00

  • 火曜休(4・5・10・11月は火曜も無休)

    Closed: Tuesdays (except in April, May, October, and November)

咲くやこの花館Sakuya Konohana Kan

  • 咲くやこの花館 Sakuya Konohana Kan
  • 咲くやこの花館 Sakuya Konohana Kan


One of the largest conservatories in Japan, where you can encounter flowers and greenery from aroundtheworld. Houses approximately 5,500 varieties of plants that grow in various climatic zones around the world, suchasthetropics, alpine regions, and polar regions. The conservatory also holds special exhibitions and events for each season.

  • 06-6912-005506-6912-0055

  • 大阪市鶴見区緑地公園2-163

    2-163 Ryokuchikoen, Tsurumi Ward, Osaka City

  • 10:00~17:00(入館は16:30まで)

    (Admissions close 4:30 p.m.)

  • 月曜休(祝日の場合翌日休)

    Closed: Mondays (Tuesdays when holidays fall on Monday)

杉・五兵衛Sugi Gohei

  • 杉・五兵衛<span>Sugi Gohei
  • 杉・五兵衛<span>Sugi Gohei


A restaurant that has been established on a huge farm that grows many vegetables and fruit. Try the farm banquet (from 4000 yen per person) made from seasonal produce gathered from the farm. Booking is advisable.

  • 072-858-0070072-858-0070

  • 枚方市杉責谷1-951

    1-951 Sugisemedani, Hirakata City

  • 11:00~21:00(19:00 LO)

    (Last reception 7:00 p.m.)

  • 火曜休(祝日の場合翌日休)

    Closed: Tuesdays (Wednesdays when holidays fall on Tuesday)

磐船渓谷Iwafune Valley

  • 磐船渓谷 Iwafune Valley

天野川と生駒山系の自然が織りなす美しい渓谷。川沿いの散策路から楽しむことができる。渓谷沿いには高さ約12m の巨岩をご神体とする珍しい神社「磐船神社」も。

A beautiful valley where the nature of the Amano River and Ikoma Mountains interweave. The valley can be enjoyed from the river-side walk. Along the valley, you can also find the unique Iwafune Shrine, which houses a huge 12m high rock.

  • 072-892-0121072-892-0121(交野市地域振興課)

    (Katano City Community Promotion Section)

  • 交野市私市

    Kisaichi, Katano City

  • 見学自由

    Admission free

七夕伝説 ゆかりの地へ To the place connected with the Tanabata legend

牽牛石(観音山公園)牽牛石(観音山公園)Kengyuseki (Kannonyama Park)

  • 牽牛石(観音山公園)<span>牽牛石(観音山公園)Kengyuseki (Kannonyama Park)
  • 牽牛石(観音山公園)<span>牽牛石(観音山公園)Kengyuseki (Kannonyama Park)


According to the Tanabata legend, the deities represented by the stars Vega and Altair, which are separated by the Milky Way, meet each other once a year. Hirakata City and Katano City are dotted with spots connected with Tanabata, such as "Kengyuseki" (cow stone). The Tanabata festival is held around the Amanogawa River every July.
