海も山も! おいしい体験


This area faces both the sea and the mountains, so it is full of delicious food such as vegetables, fruits, and seafood. Why not take on the challenge of experiencing what is on offer, depending on the season, such as natural hot springs, fi shing, and sake brewery tours.

かいづか温泉リゾート ほの字の里Kaizuka Hot Springs Resort Honojino Sato

  • かいづか温泉リゾート ほの字の里 Kaizuka Hot Springs Resort Honojino Sato
  • かいづか温泉リゾート ほの字の里 Kaizuka Hot Springs Resort Honojino Sato
  • かいづか温泉リゾート ほの字の里 Kaizuka Hot Springs Resort Honojino Sato


A resort facility using the former site of an elementary school. You can enjoy activities such as hot springs, BBQ, authentic Japanese meals, woodwork experiences, and mini athletics at a nostalgic location. Lodging is also available, and forestry and agricultural experiences are also popular.

  • 072-478-8777072-478-8777

  • 貝塚市蕎原2114

    2114 Sobura, Kaizuka City

  • 7:00~21:00(受付は21:30まで)

    (Last receptions 9:30 p.m.)

  • 不定休

    Closed: Irregular

  • 入場無料

    Admission free

田尻漁業体験Tajiri fi shing experience

  • 田尻漁業体験 Tajiri fi shing experience
  • 田尻漁業体験 Tajiri fi shing experience


You can experience Tajiri's unique “gill-netfishery” and "basket net fishery" fishing, while watching the planes flying by near the airport. The freshly caught fish can go straight into the BBQ. This can be enjoyed as a day trip with the family.* Bookings required at least 3 days in advance.

  • 072-465-0099072-465-0099(田尻漁業協同組合・田尻海洋交流センター(7:00~17:00))

    (Tajiri fishery association, Tajiri Ocean Community Center (7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.))

  • 泉南郡田尻町りんくうポート北1

    1 Rinku Port Kita, Tajiri-cho, Sennan-gun

  • 実施期間:4月1日~11月30日

    Operating period: April 1 to November 30

  • 実施時間:10:00~/12:00~

  • 大人3,780円~ 小学生2,160円~

    Adult: From 3,780 yen; Elementary school student: From 2,160 yen

  • 火曜休

    Closed: Tuesdays


浪花酒造(成子家住宅)Naniwa Sake Brewery (Narukoke house)

  • 浪花酒造(成子家住宅) Naniwa Sake Brewery (Narukoke house)

国の登録有形文化財に指定されている由緒ある酒蔵。約200年前の重厚感あふれる建物。外国人はもちろん日本人にも伝統の重みがずっしりと感じられる。主力製品は「浪花正宗 大吟醸」。

A time-honored sake brewery designated as a registered tangible cultural property of Japan. A building full of the sense of composure and dignity of 200 years ago. Both foreigners and Japanese can feel the weight of tradition profoundly. The main product of the brewery is "Naniwa Masamune Daiginjo".

  • 0724-72-00320724-72-0032

  • 阪南市尾崎町3-13-6

    3-13-6 Ozaki-cho, Hannan City

  • 10:00~17:00(土日祝は16:00まで)

    (to 4:00 p.m. on weekends and public holidays)

  • 無休

    Open 365 days a year

浪花酒造(成子家住宅) Naniwa Sake Brewery (Narukoke house)

北庄司酒造Kitashoji Sake Brewery

  • 北庄司酒造 Kitashoji Sake Brewery

1921年創業、泉佐野市唯一の酒蔵。外部から蔵人を雇わず、昔ながらの手作業で醸造。“ 量より質の酒造り”は「荘の郷」銘柄すべてに受け継がれている。

Established in 1921, and is the only sake brewery in Izumisano City. Brews sake the traditional way, using old-fashioned manual work, without employing external workers. "Sake brewing of quality rather than quantity" has been inherited by all "Sho no Sato" brands.

  • 072-468-0850072-468-0850

  • 泉佐野市日根野3173

    3173 Hineno, Izumisano City

  • 8:00~17:00

  • 土・日曜、祝日休

    Closed: Weekends and public holidays

北庄司酒造 Kitashoji Sake Brewery

井坂酒造場Isaka Sake Brewery

  • 井坂酒造場 Isaka Sake Brewery


Established in 1818. Handmade brewing of sake that is popular in the local area, such as local sake of Senshu Kishiwada "Miwafuku" and "Danjiri" of Kishiwada Danjiri Festival. The strong yet light taste is popular.

  • 072-479-0074072-479-0074

  • 岸和田市稲葉町117

    117 Inaba-cho, Kishiwada City

  • 9:00~18:00

  • 水曜休(1/1~5&8/13~ 15 は休み)

    Closed: Wednesdays (closed January 1 to 5 and August 13 to 15)

井坂酒造場 Isaka Sake Brewery